Wednesday, June 21, 2006

super-condensed update

so i got to thinking about a friend of mine up in boston who despises the word 'blog'. he thinks it's one of the ugliest words ever unleashed. i remember a conversation that went something like, 'but carl, a blog is a fun concept. and i've seen worse abbrevs., even if 'blog' does sound kind of bloated and soggy...'. which brings me to my point: i think word-arguments (by which i mean, arguments over the comparative beauty, origins, and uses of words) are pretty fun. try one with someone you know well enough to have a word-argument with, but not as well as you would like. you get to try out ideas that don't usually come up when the conversation ranges over workspace drama, favorite restaurants, and the weather.

in other news, i have been found by pine view alums cathy and amber. it's sort of a strange feeling, since this is my first contact with anyone from pine view (with 2 exceptions) in nearly nine years. for a long time i have treasured the relative anonymity i have achieved. i guess it began as a consequence of the butterfly syndrome... i've changed, a lot, and i'm gay (maybe to some, 'Duh'? i'm not sure. and to anyone it concerns: seth and i were never lovers. ha). which to mainly liberal/libertarian pv students is probably a non-issue, but it was a big issue for me, for a long time, as i gradually outgrew my asexuality and discovered the odd flashes of interest, attraction, and affection i felt toward members of my own sex were not, after all, flukes. plus i changed from a booksmart kid into something else entirely... a deeply theoretical but deeply flaky premature grad student. i decided physics was a joke (i still think it is, but it's a funnier one these days: and by that i mean, it wasn't right for me at all), and philosophy was where i belonged. so i tried to learn if academic philosophy could really suit me career-wise, decided it just might, but then decided i preferred philosophical poems and essays. which brings me close to the present moment, since i spend several days each week reading and waiting for inspiration to strike (pardon the cliche, but that it how it works).

i've had a fun ride, though, in case i'm coming across too strongly as the whiny brat i've been and sometimes am. maybe i'll get into some of that on this potential time-sink-hole into narcissism, myspace. that sounds too dark: maybe i'll get into some of that on this strange outcropping of an overly connected age, on this happy-home spreadsheet of our post-modern apocalyptic utopia. (yeah, for purposes of entertainment, i can still write sentences like that: tell mr. mccracken it was all bullshit.)

even now my social-liberal angst cries,
it wasn't ALL bullshit!
long live the lumpenproletariat!


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